1. Only use a carry-on- this saves time (no waiting to check or pick up bags, and you can walk faster with fewer belongings!), space (especially when travelling abroad), and money (no extra fees on airplanes, trains, or buses)
2. How to pack all those products you'll need into a carry on sized bag? Skip the blow dryer and/or straightener. Some hotels and hostels will provide a blow dryer, and if not, let it go- you are on vacation! Instead of packing loads of hair, skin, and make up products, choose a couple you really care about and transfer them to 3oz bottles. If you skip bringing hair products altogether, a tiny amount of conditioner applied to your hair instantly smoothes and shines it. Conditioner also makes a great shaving cream.

3. Roll your clothes. I do not understand how or why, but rolling your clothes definitely saves space in your bag.
4. Leave the electronics at home. You can always use computers at an internet cafe, and most hotels and hostels have computers and internet free for guests. And, who needs a phone when you're escaping real life?
5. Save money by staying in dorm style hostels. Remember that most everyone there is in the same situation as you, and want it to be a safe, good place.
6. Ask locals for help! I do not know a lick of Japanese, Bengali, or Thai, but in all these places if I say "excuse me" then the name of the place I am trying to go, a local is more than happy to point in the right direction.
7. Pack some comfy clothes, some make-you-feel-pretty-clothes, and some practical clothes. At some point during your trip you will want all of these.

8. Before you go shopping, know what you want to buy- this will save you time if you are on a schedule, space in your bag, and money.
9. Have at least 1 day at the beginning and end of your vacation dedicated to rest and relaxation- I need this to unwind and it really helps bring your mind to the present and enjoy your time traveling!

10. Pack a water bottle, headlamp, journal, and pen. Water bottle for hydration, headlamp for early morning or late night extra light (especially courteous if you're sharing a room with other people), journal for note taking (helpful if you're using a train or bus system), and pen so you can write in the journal (duh!).
11. If you're not sure what or where to eat, your best bet is to go somewhere that already has patrons.

12. Don't forget to plan some spontaneity! After all, you are on vacation. I say "plan" because if you allow yourself a couple extra hours, or days, of flexible time you are able to do some exploring when you see something intriguing or off the beaten path. For me, some of these unexpected adventures have been the most fun.
I agree, especially numbers 1-12! Excited to swap stories.