Tonight' s post is a somber subject, and one that is close to my heart: advocacy for women who are prostitutes and the myriad of criminal activity that surrounds them including human trafficking and drugs.
This story starts when I was 17 years old and visiting Trinity Western University with my parents to check out the school. While we're there my dad introduces himself to a student and then introduces me to her. We chit chat for a few minutes and I agree to let her know if I decide to attend TWU.
Fast forward a couple years and this young woman is my mentor; we meet every couple weeks, and we're both involved in our own campus outreaches. Mine is to girls who are in detention (often for prostituting), hers is to prostitutes on the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver, BC. We spend hours talking about social justice, the church's role in it, how to end the exploitation of women, why men purchase women, etc.
During this time my mentor had formed a friendship with a woman who was prostituting, and they came to the TWU campus a couple of times and spoke to the student body about these issues.
Today my former mentor continues to work for those whose voices are not heard, and she continues to inspire me with her overflowing love and drive. The woman whom she helped get off the streets is an amazing and inspiring advocate for prostitutes. Here is her website: Please take a few moments to read how to help end the lies about prostitution- she has a fantastic list of things you can do.
Here's my list of steps you can take here in Portland:
1. Attend meetings or support the Coalition of Advocates for Equal Access for Girls- they are a great organization of women from all walks who are working on many projects that will benefit girls, including addressing human trafficking and prostitution
5. Educate yourself!,
Thank you for reading!